Civic Centre Project

The Civic Centre will be the single largest project the City of Spruce Grove has ever done.

Amenities include a spectator arena, a community arena, a satellite location for the Spruce Grove Public Library, a black box theatre, an art gallery and dedicated program room, a community walking track, and the co-located Spruce Grove Transit Centre.

The Civic Centre will be located north of Westwind Drive in the Westwind development.

The Civic Centre project has been made possible through the support of several partners including the Government of Alberta’s Municipal Sustainability Initiative, a funding contribution from Parkland County, and other collaborators and groups.

Learn more about the Civic Centre project.

Building the Civic Centre a month in a minute

Want to see how the Civic Centre project is coming along? Check out these monthly video updates of the progress at the site. Each month has been compressed into a one-minute timelapse and we'll be posting more updates as work continues, so stay tuned! 

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Previous videos 

Project updates

June 2024 update

June 2024

Throughout June work on the two arenas in the Civic Centre continued, including painting, dressing rooms for the spectator arena, and the installation of roof top mechanical units to provide ventilation and dehumidification for both arenas.

Read the news story | View the photo gallery

May 2024 Update

May 2024

With the arrival of warmer weather in May, significant work happened around the exterior of the Civic Centre, as well as inside the facility.

Read the news story | View the photo gallery

Apriil 2024 Update

April 2024

Walls are going up on both the exterior and interior of the Civic Centre facility, as the structure continued to take shape throughout April.

Read the news story | View the photo gallery

Previous updates 


The concept for the Civic Centre project was originally proposed as a Multi-use Sport and Event Centre. In response to ongoing stakeholder feedback and a community needs assessment, as well as the financial implications of a larger Event Centre concept, the City re-evaluated the vision for the facility to become a more community-focused, multi-purpose Civic Centre that would help fulfill the needs of sports, recreation, arts, and culture.

Now, we are excited to be moving forward with development of the Civic Centre, the largest project in Spruce Grove history!

Booking inquiries

Facility bookings at the Civic Centre are not currently available. For inquiries about future facility bookings, email