Filing a claim with the City

If you have suffered property damage or injury and believe the City may be responsible, please submit a claim using the statement of damage/injury form.  For more information about the City's claim reporting process and what types of claims can be reported, see below.

What is a claim?

A claim is any situation where a person or business feels that they have suffered damage or injury as a result of the actions of the City and/or its employees.

Who can make a claim?

Anyone can pursue a claim against the City however making a claim does not guarantee the City will pay for damages stated in the claim.

If you are unsure how to file a claim or have questions about the status of an existing claim, please contact the City at 780-962-2611 ext. 520, Monday to Friday, between 8:30 a.m.– 4:30 p.m. or email

Claim reporting process

For the City to investigate a claim promptly, notice to the City must be provided as soon as practicable. To begin the claim process please complete the following statement of damage/injury form.

Upon receipt of the claim, the City will make its best effort to acknowledge the claim within 2 business days; a claim investigation begins upon receipt and generally takes 10 to 15 business days to complete. Please note that a claim may take longer to investigate and reach a resolution depending on the complexity of the investigation required.

Claim timeline limitation

Be aware that there are notice periods for certain types of claims and limitation periods concerning all claims made against municipalities. Further, if you do not commence legal action to advance your claim within the periods prescribed by the Limitations Act of Alberta, the City and its employees will be entitled to immunity from liability.

Types of claims

Learn about the different types of claims that can be reported.

Property damage

Should you feel that your personal or business property (fence, downspout, garage, building, or driveway) has been damaged as a result of the City’s negligence, please complete and submit a statement of damage/injury form.

It is your responsibility to provide the City with evidence or proof of your loss including witness names, photographs, location, damages, date and time, and any other information that can assist the City in the investigation; this could also include information on the City's vehicle or equipment involved along with its license plate and identification number (usually on the left rear side of the vehicle/equipment).

If you have home or business insurance, report the damage to your home insurance company as soon as possible; they should be your first call before contacting the City about a claim.

The City takes the condition of its sanity sewer, storm sewer, and waterworks very seriously; all reasonable attempts to inspect and maintain these utilities are made. However, a perfect state of repair cannot be guaranteed. More information on City policies that may apply can be found here:

Sanitary Sewer System Inspection and Maintenance: Policy # 2015

Storm Water Maintenance: Policy # 2023

These types of losses are governed under the Municipal Government Act (MGA) and should be presented to the City in a timely fashion. The MGA outlines when and how a municipality can be held liable for damages sustained within its municipal boundaries. Should you have damage that you feel falls within this type of loss, please refer to Section 528 & Section 532 of the MGA for more information.

For claims alleging the disrepair of the utility led to the damages, generally, for the City to be liable, there must be evidence that the City knew or ought to have known that the disrepair existed and the City neglected to act upon that knowledge.

If you have home or business insurance, report the damage to your home insurance company as soon as possible; they should be your first call before contacting the City about a claim.

Should you wish to pursue a claim, please complete and submit a statement of damage/injury form.

Motor vehicle

If you have found yourself involved in a motor vehicle accident involving a City vehicle please contact your auto insurance company. Should you not carry physical damage coverage i.e. collision coverage on your vehicle and wish to pursue the claim directly with the City, you may do so.

It can take a considerable amount of time to complete an investigation for these types of claims. Several pieces of information need to be collected in order to conduct a thorough investigation including information on all the parties involved, an accident scene investigation, police reports, witness statements, and more before a determination on liability is made.

If you have personal or commercial auto insurance, report the damage to your auto insurance company as soon as possible; they should be your first call before contacting the City about a claim.

Should you wish to pursue a claim, please complete and submit a statement of damage/injury form.

The City takes the condition of its roads very seriously; all reasonable attempts to inspect and maintain roads are made. However, a perfect state of repair cannot be guaranteed.

For claims alleging the disrepair of the roadway led to the damages, generally, for the City to be liable, there must be evidence that the City knew or ought to have known that the disrepair existed and the City neglected to act upon that knowledge.

These types of losses are governed under the Municipal Government Act (MGA) and should be presented to the City in a timely fashion. The MGA outlines when and how a municipality can be held liable for damages sustained within its municipal boundaries. Should you have damage that you feel falls within this type of loss, please refer to Section 528 & Section 532 of the MGA for more information.

If you have personal or commercial auto insurance, report the damage to your auto insurance company as soon as possible; they should be your first call before contacting the City about a claim.

Should you wish to pursue a claim, please complete and submit a statement of damage/injury form.


The City takes the care and condition of its sidewalks and roadways very seriously. All reasonable attempts to inspect and maintain City property and alleviate slipping and tripping hazards are taken. However, a perfect state of repair cannot be guaranteed including slip/trip hazards that exist within the City. More information on City policies that may apply can be found here:

Snow and Ice Control Policy

Sidewalk Maintenance and Repair Policy

These types of losses are governed under the Municipal Government Act (MGA) and should be presented to the City in a timely fashion. The MGA outlines when and how a municipality can be held liable for damages sustained within its municipal boundaries. Should you have damage that you feel falls within this type of loss, please refer to Section 528 & Section 532 of the MGA for more information.

For claims alleging a slip/trip hazard led to the injury, generally, for the City to be liable, there must be evidence that the City knew or ought to have known that the hazard existed and the City neglected to act upon that knowledge.

Should you wish to pursue a claim, please complete and submit a statement of damage/injury form.

Section B Benefits

If you are on a City of Spruce Grove transit bus, the transit bus is involved in an accident, and you are injured in the accident - you can claim Section B Benefits through the City of Spruce Grove. Section B Benefits are known as “no-fault” benefits meaning that your right to claim them does not depend on who was at fault for the accident that caused your injuries.

If you were involved in such an accident, it is imperative that you contact a medical provider for assistance; please contact the City to advise of your Section B claim as soon as practicable.  These benefits cover certain prescribed expenses related to medical treatments, disability, etc. All medical providers should be aware of the necessity of the completion of the Section B Accident Benefits forms pursuant to the standard automobile policy in Alberta.

Should you feel that you would qualify for these payments, please complete and submit a statement of damage/injury form.

If you have found yourself involved and injured in a motor vehicle accident involving a City vehicle, contact your auto insurance company to access your Section B benefits; these auto insurance benefits cover certain prescribed expenses related to medical treatments, disability, etc. Should you not have access to Section B coverage under your auto policy or if you were involved in an accident with a City vehicle but you were not in a vehicle (for example you were a pedestrian or bicycling) and wish to pursue a claim directly with the City, you may do so.

It should be noted that it can take a considerable amount of time to complete an investigation for these types of accidents. Several pieces of information need to be collected to conduct a thorough investigation including information on all the parties involved, an accident scene investigation, police reports, witness statements, and more before a determination on liability is made.

If you have personal or commercial auto insurance, report the damage to your auto insurance company as soon as possible; they should be your first call before contacting the City about a claim.

Should you wish to pursue a claim, please complete and submit a statement of damage/injury form.

Statement of damage/injury form

* Indicates that field is required.

Details of the incident

Please note: for auto claims include year/make/model/mileage/date of last repair or replacement

Time of incident

Please be specific with direction of travel, lane, closest intersection or reference point and enclose diagram if needed
Please include supporting documentation such as photos, estimates, or receipts and how calculated (attachment options are found later in the form)
Please provide any additional details involving your claim
Supporting documentation
Be specific with dates/times, names, phone# called, and any file reference numbers that were provided


Please provide the names, addresses and telephone numbers of all witnesses and municipal staff that were involved.

IMPORTANT PLEASE READ: Your submission and the City’s receipt of the 'Statement of Damage/Injury Form' in no way infers acceptance of any liability by the City for the stated damages. A fully completed form is to be provided. You will receive acknowledgement of the City’s claim receipt within two business days. Be aware that there are notice periods for providing the City with notice of certain types of claims and limitation periods with respect to all claims. If you do not commence legal action to advance your claim within two years of the date of the incident causing your loss or damage, the City and its employees may be entitled to immunity from liability with respect to your claim pursuant to the provisions of the Limitations Act of Alberta.

IMPORTANT PLEASE READ: The information in this form is being collected under the authority of section 33(c) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act. It will be used to administer the City of Spruce’s Risk and Insurance program and may be used by the City's Insurer for the purposes of processing your claim. The personal information provided will be protected in accordance with Part 2 of the Act. If you have any questions regarding collection, use and disclosure of personal information, please contact the Insurance and Risk Management Advisor at (780)962-2611.